Caring For Your Crystals

How to Cleanse your Crystals 

Once you get a new crystal your going to want to cleanse it of any old or stuck energies. Crystals are great conductors of energy and can still hold energy from their previous owners. There are many different ways to cleanse your crystals, use what resonates best with you or your intuition to choose how you will be cleansing your stones.  

Common ways to Cleanse your Crystals

The safest way to cleanse any crystal type are through burning smudges and using sounds. Intentionally burning smudges over your crystals clears their energy. You can use sage, paleo wood, incense, or even a white candle to cleanse by fire. Ringing high frequency sounds from singing bowls around your crystals is how you would cleanse crystals through sound.

Another safe way to keep your crystals cleansed is by using the stone Selenite. Selenite is a white fragile stone known for its self-cleansing properties. Selenite often comes in the form of wands, towers or even flat plates to make cleansing other stones easier. You can lay your other crystals on or near Selenite to clear their old energies. A Selenite wand could be used to intentionally wave over your other crystals to also cleanse their energy. And selenite towers can assist in directing it's energy outwards.

Other ways you can cleanse your crystals are with water. However, not all crystals can be cleansed with water since it can actually cause damage to the crystal or even produce toxins when submerged in water for long periods of time.

Stones that can not be cleansed through water are usually fragile, porous and often times end in "-ite" for example, Selenite can not be cleansed in water. Keep reading for a list of water safe and not safe crystals. Rainwater, moon water or any running water are very natural ways to cleanse your crystals. Most water safe crystals can also be soaked in a bowl of salt, preferably Himalayan salt.

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Cleansing Crystals

How to Charge your Crystals 

Often times people will use the terms cleansing and charging crystals interchangeably but the major different between cleansing and charging is that cleansing your crystals clears/removes old energy and charging your crystals actually re-energizes or adds new energy to your stones. 

Just like cleansing, when it comes to charging your crystals there are quite few different ways to recharge them, use your intuition to choose which method is best for you to use. 

Natural sunlight recharges your crystals, however try not to leave colorful crystals such as Rose Quartz or Amethyst in the sun for too long (over and hour) or they could begin to fade in vibrancy. 

Moonlight energy is another simple way to recharge your crystals. To use lunar energy you will want to place crystals outside, over night under the moonlight. The best times to do this method is on nights of a full moon and new moons. You can also soak water-safe crystals in moon water for an hour. Moon water is typically made by intentionally leaving a jar or bottle of water outside under the moonlight to absorb lunar energy, energizing the water. 

Another great way to charge your crystals is to use Earth's energy. You can burry crystals in the ground with a sealed pot or jar of soil and leave underground over night. 

Placing crystals in a singing bowl and ringing the single bowl to re-charge with sound is another popular method. This method works best with smaller crystals, larger or heavier crystals may not fit or allow the bowl to ring properly. 

Re-charging with salt. Most water safe crystals can also be recharged by emerging them in salt preferably Himalayan salt. Let them sit in a bowl of salt overnight. 

List of Water Safe Crystals 

The following crystals can be submerged in water

  • Clear Quartz
  • Rose Quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Citrine
  • Agate
  • Moonstone
  • Rutilated Quartz
  • Jasper
  • Tiger's Eye
  • Aventurine
  • Carnelian *NOT safe in salt water
  • Black Obsidian * Can break in extreme cold or hot water temperatures

Crystals NOT Safe in Water

The following crystals are not safe in water

  • Selenite
  • Pyrite
  • Azurite
  • Hematite
  • Fluorite
  • Malachite
  • Labradorite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Any Tourmaline
  • Celestine
  • Tangerine Quartz
  • Lepidolite
  • Kyanite
  • Calcite
  • Mica
  • Fuchsite
  • Kunzite
  • Angelite
  • Turquoise