Crystal Jewelry Collection ✨

Natural crystal jewelry includes a variety of necklaces and bracelets 

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Featured collection

EnergyPrism Healing Crystals

For thousands of years all around the world, humans have been fascinated by the power of healing crystals and stones. Healing crystals hold remarkable properties that are known to direct, transform and protect our energy! They have also been used to amplify our manifestation abilities by helping us align our vibrational energy with the energetic frequency of our desires.
When we mindfully connect with these naturally beautiful and high vibrational structures, healing crystals can promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing for us. 💖

Palm Stones,Crystal Towers & Smudge Sticks

Aromatherapy - Smudge Sticks

Energy Smudge Sticks Burning smudge sticks have many benefits and is a... 

Crystal Towers

Polished energy healing crystal towers ranging from small to large sizes. Mini... 

Palm Stones

Palm Stones make holding & interacting with your crystals easy and are... 

Energy, Frequency & Vibrations

Nikola Tesla was a scientist in the 18th century fascinated by crystal energy, who performed many experiments and test with crystals. Tesla revealed to us the incredibly useful and powerful energies hidden in our Earth. Today, crystals are used all around the world for a variety of uses involving energy.

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